Monday, January 24, 2011

The Dead Cart and its Riders...

      Hi! If you are reading this now, that means I didn't freak you out too much in my last post. That's a good thing. Maybe, if I'm lucky, this post won't creep you out either, although I highly doubt it. As you can probably guess from my title, I've been hard at work on a dead cart and some bodies. The cart was very difficult to make.
      But first, you may be wondering, what even is a dead cart? Well, a dead cart is basically a two-wheeled wheel barrow type cart to carry dead bodies. I made my wonderful piece of artwork (the dead cart) out of balsa wood planks, really strong glue, and flat headed pins, like I use for sewing, which is yet another of my ongoing projects that I don't really have time for. Back to the cart. I used a craft knife and carefully cut out all the pieces I would need. Very carefully, I glued each piece together, then pushed my pins into the wood to hold it. If you try this technique, I suggest you use a thimble to push the pins, because my finger was very sore and painful after inserting so many pins.
      For the bodies, I made dead-people shaped lumps out of tinfoil and covered them with a plain white cloth. My dead people are not completely finished, though, because I still need to tie them with some waxed string or fake sinew so they look more authentic. I will post pics after they are finished. But for now, here is a picture of my cart:

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